

Artificial intelligence, inventiveness and Interpolationism

Kanye West’s new song has created something of an internet furore. Not for the rhapsodic lyrics or the grinding beats, but because it’s not actually written or performed by the artist. Kayne’s AI voice double can take the credit for that.

There comes an age when all modern music sounds like a random collection of clanking noises, and lyrics a jumble of nonsensical misgivings, so it’s somewhat difficult to discern whether the musical, lyrical or stylistic content of Roberto Nichson’s AI-generated ‘Kanye Song’ facsimile was in any way accurate. Gone are the days when computer-generated speech sounded something akin to a kitchen appliance making first contact. AI has now reached a point where a human voice, works of art and many other forms of human endeavour can be almost perfectly replicated in real-time. Such is the similarity that some have come to believe that LaMDA – Google’s AI-based large language model for dialogue applications – is sentient.

Continue reading here: This article was published by The Chartered Institute of Patent Attorneys. CIPA Journal July-August 2023 / Volume 51 / Number 7-8.

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